Sharing insights on everything there is to know in the world of shock absorption and drainage of artificial grass.


New shock pad for water-based hockey pitches

With ProPlay-Sport13/250 Schmitz Foam Products launches a new shock pad that is specifically developed for use in hockey and meets the stricter requirements laid down by the International Hockey Federation (FIH). In which in particular, the regulations applying to ball bounce have been tightened up. The new shock pad is perfectly suited to future-proof water-based artificial turf hockey pitches....


ProPlay-Sport Installation video

To get the best out of our product and consequently the artifical pitch, it's important to carefully follow the instructions when installing it. We have the perfect guide to set you up for a flawless...


Schmitz Foam Products summer update

At Schmitz Foam products we are aware of the struggles our customers are facing with the increased cost of building materials. Between transportation costs and material price increases and shortages,...